Looking Back While Forging Ahead


September 30 is a very special day here at TRADE.

In Mid-2016, the partners of TRADE decided they couldn’t continue to devote the resources they felt they needed to in order to make TRADE the best that it could be. I decided to take on that adventure and push towards the future and make TRADE what we all knew it could be.

  It was on this day in 2016 that I became the sole owner of TRADE and started the journey that led us to where we are today. Many people don’t realize the trials and troubles that face small business owners. All of the hurdles that we must overcome in the background in order to realize our dream. 

This day has another special significance to me, it is on this day that I celebrate 14 years of sobriety and the freedom from alcohol that had become a shackle to my life and happiness. This year has brought some people to the lowest point of their lives and the vulnerable groups within our society have suffered worse than most. Many of you know that I am a veteran of the US Navy.  Veterans are that unique group of individuals who have put their lives on the line for the safety and security of this country and I hold a very special place in my heart for them. The hardships of this year have solidified our stance that we should do everything in our power to help veterans that are struggling. Many of you know that a portion of each sale of our leather and grooming products go to veteran organizations. In the upcoming months you will see an increase in our support to veteran organizations. Specifically those organizations that help to prevent veteran suicide and help with substance abuse. 

Our next stage will be all about getting to find that balance within ourselves and on this earth so that we can all be there for one another and strive to be just a little bit better each day. Thank you for taking this journey with us and thank you for the support you give to us that allows us to pay it forward. We look forward to the coming months and can’t wait to show you all of the fantastic new changes we have in store.


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